We believe that the Holy Bible is the inspired written word of God. We believe in the translation of scripture known as the Authorized version of the Bible, which is also known as the King James Version including the Apocrypha. We acknowledge that the Apocryphal Books were part of the canon of scripture for approximately 1000 years until they were rejected by Protestant reformers. We accept all books of scripture, Old Testament, Apocrypha, and New Testament. We believe that the scriptures contain all that is necessary for salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. While we acknowledge that more modern translations of the bible can express the truth of God's word in more contemporary language, we are careful, as numerous contemporary versions of scripture change the meaning of the scriptures, and even leave out verses. We only accept versions of the bible that do not change the meaning of the scriptures accepted as valid in the King James Version. These include the Third Millenium Bible, the New King James Bible, and the Douay Rheims Bible.
We believe in the seven sacraments traditionally used in the church. We believe that two sacraments only are necessary for salvation: Baptism and Holy Communion. These two sacraments are ordained by Jesus Christ for all Christians. The other five sacraments are of benefit to many Christians at particular times in their lives. These are Confirmation, Penance and Absolution, Holy Unction or Anointing of the Sick, Holy Orders, and Holy Matrimony. The sacraments are an outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual grace from God.
We believe that the written word of God and the holy sacraments are shaped into a form usable for worship in the traditional, classic editions of the Book of Common Prayer. The last traditional book in the United States is that published in 1928. Prior editions of the Book of Common Prayer are also acceptable. We accept the People's Anglican Missal as a supplement to the Book of Common Prayer in enriching the worship experience. We also accept the Anglican Breviary as a more monastic form of daily prayer. Worship services in this church are taken from the 1928 Book of Common Prayer (using the 1928 lectionary) supplemented by the People's Anglican Missal.
We believe in the doctrines believed everywhere by Christians as determined by the councils which occurred during the time of the Universal Church before 1054.
We believe in the traditional creeds, known as the Apostles Creed, the Nicene Creed, and the Athanasian Creed, as summaries of our faith.
We believe that the Ordained Ministry is reserved to Godly men only, as they act in persona Christi Capitis, in the person of Christ, as the head of His church on earth.